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Sticking to an ERP Implementation Checklist

Implementing an ERP system can be a daunting task for any organisation. With so many moving parts and variables to consider, it's easy to overlook critical steps and tasks. However, by utilising an implementation checklist, businesses can ensure that all the necessary steps are completed on time and in the right order. In this blog, we will discuss the importance of using an implementation checklist and how it can help ensure a successful ERP implementation. We will also provide some tips on how to create and stick to an implementation checklist to ensure a smooth and efficient implementation process.

Any efficient ERP implementation plan requires a roadmap, which often comes in the form of 
a checklist of tasks that helps keep the project moving along, from pre-implementation activities like research and requirements building to final implementation phases like maintenance and support. Both the customer and vendor need to work through each step on the checklist to ensure a smooth project. 

ERP Implementation Checklist


✔️ Engage with vendors and organisations to start post-purchase activities.
✔️ Develop an ERP implementation project team post-purchase.
✔️ Document and evaluate current business processes to identify common problems and unnecessary efforts.
✔️ Set up kickoff calls and recurring project meetings.
✔️ Initiate project plan development by setting specific goals and objectives for the ERP implementation.


✔️ Finalise the project plan with the ERP project team.
✔️ Confirm implementation readiness with sign-off of the project plan by the project team and steering committee.
✔️ Develop a data migration strategy to ensure that data is clean and usable for the new ERP solution.
✔️ Develop a backup and business continuity strategy for data.
✔️ Develop a user enablement strategy for the training of all users and user groups.


✔️ Initiate the installation of the ERP solution pertinent to the new business process developed through planning activities.
✔️ Initiate migration of preliminary static data.
✔️ If needed, prepare hardware and hosting infrastructure and develop plans for data flows between departments.
✔️ Finalise the installation of software and customisations.


✔️ Review the accuracy of data being migrated, and ensure that data is up to date and clean, without duplicates or errors.
✔️ Initiate data mapping so that data can flow freely between departments and business segments for pending testing and go-live tasks.


✔️ Initiate tests of all interfaces with user data to provide a clear understanding
of processes.
✔️ Validate the acceptance of business processes to ensure all functions and user groups are running as planned.
✔️ Troubleshoot any unforeseen instances of errors that originate through testing of infrastructure and solution.


✔️ Conduct end-user training based on training plans outlined in the change management plan.
✔️ Conduct customer transition meetings with the vendor after the training to encourage adoption and ownership.


✔️ Prepare for the go-live event with final process walkthroughs.
✔️ Configure any additional components and conduct a cutover meeting for go-live.
✔️ Transition ownership of systems from the vendor with a go-live event.
✔️ Post-go-live follow-up training should be conducted to ensure full user adoption of the new systems.
✔️ Project closeout meeting to be conducted post-go-live to pass off to post-implementation support teams.


✔️ Transition project to closeout with support teams and transition to the post-implementation support teams.
✔️ Maintain ongoing maintenance and support of software through users and user training.
✔️ Post-implementation steps begin with evaluating the project through KPI improvements.

In conclusion, sticking to an implementation checklist is crucial for a successful ERP implementation. It helps ensure that all necessary tasks are completed and that the project is progressing according to plan. In addition, following the five tips outlined in this blog series can help you approach the implementation process with greater clarity, focus, and structure. By building the right implementation team, identifying the best implementation strategy, planning for common implementation challenges, and sticking to an implementation checklist, you can maximise your chances of achieving your desired outcomes. Remember, an ERP implementation can be complex, but it doesn't have to be overwhelming. With careful planning and the right approach, you can achieve success.

If you're planning an ERP implementation for your business, we encourage you to use the tips outlined in this blog series as a starting point. Don't hesitate to reach out to our team for guidance and support. At every step of the way, we're here to help you achieve success with your ERP implementation.


Juanita Potgieter

With over 20 years’ experience in various marketing and business development fields, Juanita is an action-oriented individual with a proven track record of creating marketing initiatives and managing new product development to drive growth. Prior to joining Verde, Juanita worked within strategic business development and marketing management roles at several international companies. Juanita is certified in both MYOB Acumatica and Oracle NetSuite.