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How SuiteSuccess Lessens the Risk of Implementation Failure

How SuiteSuccess Lessens the Risk of Implementation Failure

NetSuite's SuiteSuccess is a strategic approach to implementing and optimising cloud solutions, designed to empower businesses to thrive in the data-driven world. By engaging consistently throughout the implementation process, organisations can ensure a successful transition to a solution that truly delivers results.

To enhance the chances of a smooth ERP implementation, it is vital for companies to have a clear vision of their system requirements, aligning them company-wide while maintaining control over time and costs.

Challenge 1: Time to completion.

Long implementations inherently consume more hours of consulting and more hours of employee time. Rapid implementations reduce the ‘I’ in the ROI.

21% went live in the forecast time1

79% took longer than expected project duration1

Top 3 reasons for time over-runs.

Organisational issues and unrealistic timeframes can largely be rectified by having a dedicated project team in place and strong vendor liaison. Expanded scope or ‘scope creep’ is a whole issue in itself (further down).

76% Organisational issues1

74% Unrealistic timeframe1

61% Expanded project scope1

Challenge 2: Cost of implementation.

Budget overruns are common. It can be avoided by having an ‘eyes wide open’ approach to
where the cost and time dedicated to the implementation project will arise.

300 - 400% is the cost blow-out over what was budgeted, for most ERP implementations.2

The top reason for going over budget.

ERP is designed to be flexible and scalable to suit the needs of the company – not the other way around. Yet often, it’s only after an implementation that usability barriers are revealed and need to be addressed.

65% of the time, it's because the system needs modifications to improve usability.2

Challenge 3: Tailored to your business.

Some vendors say they will fully tailor their ERP to suit your business. This approach is flawed as it costs significantly more to fully customise an ERP to automate your existing processes, that could be ineffective or inefficient to begin with. SuiteSuccess however has a growing suite of pre-built choices for different industries with micro-verticals. It allows businesses to transform by adopting leading practice for 80% of their processes and then invest their time and money in tailoring only 20% to differentiate their business in the market.

80% of processes can be streamlined via industry

20% of processes can be individually tailored for you

Challenge 4: Operational disruption.

Just over half of companies experience operational disruption when they go live after
implementing ERP. The likelihood of your business suffering this can be significantly reduced via the SuiteSuccess model.

51% of companies suffer disruption after going live3

Challenge 5: The ramifications of scope creep.

Scope creep often occurs due to people, processes, a lack of management support and
inadequate project planning – not just software. To make an ERP implementation work can take 30%2 longer, is more costly, and more intrusive.

97% of projects using the SuiteSuccess methodology did not involve a change order (scope creep).4

The SuiteSuccess approach pays dividends.

NetSuite's ultimate goal is to simplify the implementation and operation of software. SuiteSuccess was crafted to seamlessly integrate Sales, Product, Delivery, and Services teams, ensuring that what we promise to deliver is exactly what we sell, and vice versa.

After switching to NetSuite, businesses reported:

55%-80% more 360 visibility, and

40%-60% more order process efficiency.5

In conclusion, NetSuite's SuiteSuccess offers a strategic and efficient approach to implementing and optimising cloud solutions for businesses. By addressing challenges such as time to completion, cost of implementation, tailoring to specific business needs, operational disruption, and scope creep, SuiteSuccess provides a streamlined and effective solution.

Partnering with Project Salsa and NetSuite can lead to increased visibility, improved efficiency, and overall success in transitioning to a data-driven world.

To learn more about how SuiteSuccess can benefit your business, reach out to us and discover the #1 business solution in the cloud.

1 Panorama ERP 2018 report
2 TechnologyEvaluation.com study
3 2020 ERP & HCM Report - Third Stage Consulting Group
4 SuiteSuccess evaluation from TechnologyEvaluation.com
5 SL Associates research


Juanita Potgieter

With over 20 years’ experience in various marketing and business development fields, Juanita is an action-oriented individual with a proven track record of creating marketing initiatives and managing new product development to drive growth. Prior to joining Verde, Juanita worked within strategic business development and marketing management roles at several international companies. Juanita is certified in both MYOB Acumatica and Oracle NetSuite.